Table of Contents
“My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” These words spoken by Jesus on the cross are some of the most profound and mysterious words in the Bible. They have been contemplated and studied by theologians and scholars for centuries. In this article, we will explore the significance and implications of Jesus’ cry, its connection to Psalm 22, and the comfort and hope it offers to believers.
What is the significance of the phrase “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
Understanding the context of the phrase in Psalm 22
The phrase “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” is a direct quote from the first verse of Psalm 22. This psalm begins with a cry for help and a lament of abandonment, but it ends with a declaration of trust in God and a proclamation of his faithfulness. The psalmist speaks of being mocked and scorned, surrounded by enemies and feeling as if God has turned away from him.
The connection between the phrase and Jesus' crucifixion
When Jesus cried out these words on the cross, he was not only speaking to God, but he was also identifying with the suffering and abandonment of the psalmist. This cry is recorded in both Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 as happening near the ninth hour, which is three o’clock in the afternoon. It was a moment of great anguish and pain for Jesus as he was being crucified for the sins of the world.
Exploring the theological implications of Jesus' cry
The fact that Jesus, the Son of God, would cry out in this way has profound theological implications. It speaks to the reality of human suffering and the feeling of abandonment that we all experience at times. It also speaks to the nature of sin and its effects on our relationship with God. Jesus, who was sinless, became sin for us on the cross, and in that moment, he experienced the separation from God that sin brings.

What are the Seven Sayings of Jesus on the cross?
The significance of the ninth hour when Jesus cried out
The fact that Jesus cried out at the ninth hour is significant because it was the time of the evening sacrifice in the temple. This sacrifice served as a reminder of the atonement for sin that was made by the shedding of blood. Jesus, the Lamb of God, was being sacrificed for the sins of the world at that moment.
Examining the Aramaic and Hebrew translations of Jesus' cry
The Gospel of Mark records Jesus’ cry in Aramaic, which was the language spoken by Jesus and the common people of Palestine at the time. The Gospel of Matthew records it in Hebrew, which was the language of the Jewish Scriptures. The cry in Aramaic is “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani,” while in Hebrew it is “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani.”
The connection between “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani” and “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
Both of these phrases mean “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” The Aramaic phrase was probably spoken by Jesus himself, while the Hebrew phrase may have been a paraphrase or a reflection of what the bystanders were hearing. However, both phrases point to the same reality of Jesus’ cry for help and his feeling of abandonmen

Did Jesus actually feel forsaken by God?
Exploring different interpretations of Jesus' cry
There are different interpretations of Jesus’ cry on the cross. Some see it as an expression of Jesus’ feeling of being abandoned by God. Others see it as a prophetic utterance that points to the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies in Psalm 22. Still others see it as a rhetorical question that Jesus asks in order to draw attention to the suffering of the psalmist and of all those who feel abandoned by God.
The role of sin and atonement in Jesus' cry
Regardless of the interpretation, there is no doubt that Jesus’ cry on the cross speaks to the role of sin and atonement in his death. Jesus’ death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice for sin, reconciling humanity to God and making it possible for us to have eternal life. Jesus’ cry on the cross, therefore, is both a reminder of the cost of sin and a proclamation of the victory over sin and death that was accomplished through his sacrifice.
The connection between Jesus' cry and the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies
The fact that Jesus’ cry on the cross echoes the words of Psalm 22 points to the prophetic nature of his death and resurrection. This psalm contains numerous details that point to the crucifixion narrative, such as the fact that the psalmist’s hands and feet were pierced, the dividing of his garments, and the casting of lots for his clothing. These details speak to the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies and the divine plan of salvation.

What is the significance of Psalm 22 in the crucifixion narrative?
Examining the parallels between Psalm 22 and Jesus' crucifixion
As we have already seen, there are numerous parallels between Psalm 22 and the crucifixion narrative. These parallels speak to the divine plan of salvation and the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies. They also speak to the reality of human suffering and the assurance that God is present even in the midst of our darkest moments.
The role of Psalm 22 in pointing to Jesus as the Messiah
Psalm 22 played a significant role in the early Christian community as a way of pointing to Jesus as the Messiah. The fact that Jesus’ cry on the cross echoed the words of this psalm was seen as a confirmation of his identity as the Son of God and the Savior of the world.
The connection between the wrath of God and the forgiveness of sins in Psalm 22
The final verses of Psalm 22 speak to the power and majesty of God and his ability to deliver his people. They also speak to the connection between the wrath of God and the forgiveness of sins. Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, God’s wrath against sin was appeased, and we were offered forgiveness and reconciliation.

How does Jesus' cry of abandonment offer comfort to believers?
The assurance of God's presence in the midst of suffering
Jesus’ cry on the cross speaks to the reality of human suffering and the feeling of abandonment that we all experience at times. However, it also offers the assurance that God is present even in the midst of our darkest moments. Just as Jesus felt abandoned by God, he also knew that God was with him and would ultimately deliver him.
The empathy of Jesus in sharing in humanity's pain and abandonment
Jesus’ cry on the cross also speaks to his deep empathy for humanity and his willingness to share in our pain and abandonment. He understands what it means to feel forsaken and alone, and he offers us his love and comfort in the midst of our struggles.
The hope and redemption offered through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross
Finally, Jesus’ cry on the cross points to the hope and redemption that is offered through his sacrifice. Through his death and resurrection, we are offered forgiveness and eternal life. We are reminded that even in the darkest moments, there is hope and a future in God’s love.

Why Have You Forsaken me? – FAQ
Q: What does the phrase “Why have you forsaken me?” mean?
A: “Why have you forsaken me?” is a quote from Jesus while he was on the cross. It expresses his feeling of abandonment by God the Father in his moment of despair.
Q: Where can I find the mention of “Why have you forsaken me?” in the Bible?
A: The quote “Why have you forsaken me?” is mentioned in both Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 in the New Testament of the Bible.
Q: At what time did Jesus cry out with a loud voice?
A: Jesus cried out with a loud voice at around the ninth hour, which is three in the afternoon according to the traditional Jewish way of counting the hours of the day.
Q: What were the last words of Jesus on the cross?
A: The last words of Jesus on the cross were “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit” (Luke 23:46).
Q: Why did Jesus cry out with a loud voice?
A: Jesus cried out with a loud voice to express his deep anguish and pain, both physical and emotional, at the moment of his death.
Q: What is the meaning of the phrase “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?”
A: “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” is a phrase in Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus, which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Q: Did Jesus really feel forsaken by God?
A: Yes, Jesus, in his humanity, experienced a deep sense of abandonment by God the Father, which caused him to cry out “Why have you forsaken me?” It is a reflection of the intense suffering he endured on the cross for the sake of humanity.
Q: What is the significance of the ninth hour in the context of Jesus' crucifixion?
A: The ninth hour, which is three in the afternoon, is traditionally associated with the time of sacrifice in Jewish culture, and it is the moment when Jesus shouted his last words on the cross.
Q: How do different versions of the Bible translate the quote “Why have you forsaken me?”
A: The English Standard Version of the Bible translates the quote as “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”, while other versions may have slight variations in wording.
Q: What is the significance of Jesus' cry “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
A: Jesus' cry “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” reveals the depth of his humanity and his willingness to identify with our pain and suffering. It also underscores the reality of the desolation that results from sin and the need for divine intervention to redeem humanity.
Q: What is the significance of the title “Why Have You Forsaken Me?”
A: These are the words spoken by Jesus on the cross, as recorded in the gospels of Matthew and Mark. It speaks to the intense emotional and spiritual suffering that Jesus experienced in his final moments.
Q: In which gospels is Jesus' cry of abandonment recorded?
A: Jesus' cry of abandonment is recorded in both the gospel of Matthew and the gospel of Mark.
Q: At what time did Jesus cry out “Why Have You Forsaken Me?”
A: Jesus cried out these words at the ninth hour, which is approximately three in the afternoon.
Q: Did Jesus cry out with a loud voice?
A: Yes, both Matthew and Mark record that Jesus cried out with a loud voice.
Q: What did Jesus mean when he cried out “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?”
A: These are the Aramaic words that Jesus spoke on the cross, which translate to “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
Q: Did Jesus groan when he cried out “Why Have You Forsaken Me?”
A: Yes, both Matthew and Mark record that Jesus let out a loud groan before crying out these words.
Q: What is the connection between Jesus' cry of abandonment and iniquity?
A: In both Matthew and Mark, Jesus' cry of abandonment is immediately followed by a statement about the forgiveness of sins and the removal of iniquity.
Q: Did Jesus cry out in a loud voice before he died?
A: Yes, both Matthew and Mark record that Jesus let out a loud cry before breathing his last breath.
Q: What time of day did Jesus die?
A: Jesus died on the cross at the ninth hour, which is approximately three in the afternoon.
Q: What did Jesus mean when he said “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
A: Jesus was quoting from Psalm 22, which is a psalm of lament. By quoting these words, Jesus was identifying with the psalmist and expressing his feelings of anguish and abandonment.
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